Mauro Corti
Mauro Corti, of OLD ITALY snc, is a company in the heart of Tuscany that has been knitting for over 20 years. It can be summed up in four words: fashion, quality, style and above all made in Italy.
Initially he produced headlines for important labels, but later he began to use the knowledge gained to directly manage his own collection for a lover of fashion.Their goal was to produce knitwear that united the quality of the handicraft product and the economic convenience of an industrial product. They therefore started a production of “industrial tailoring”, combining an industrial price with a handicraft product. All this thanks to an internal structure that makes them flexible.alla richiesta di qualsiasi ordine, sia per quantità, che per personalizzazione.
The whole production is made entirely in Italy with materials and accessories that comply with current regulations. Their products, in fact, are characterized by the use of carefully selected natural materials.
A boss Mauro Corti wants to express the personality of the wearer and is aimed at those who want to be fashionable every day, without sacrificing comfort.
The strengths of the company are the special care and attention dedicated to the finishes and the applications of both the fabric and the skin. Carotid care also expands to various details such as zip, embroidery, prints and dyes. This allows them to obtain a level product.
Website: www.maurocorti.it
E-mail: info@maurocorti.it